Co owned females

Inea av Holskogen (N) is co owned by Anita Raustøl.

Former breeding females

Noma av Holskogen (N)  
Fiol av Holskogen (N)
 ES*Siestadream Wichita

Ilys av Holskogen (N)
Gåte av Holskogen (N)

CH Bris av Holskogen (N)

Eocen av Holskogen (N)

Delia av Holskogen (N)

GIC Delta Delissa Darrem Casus`CZ


Our females

I have currently one fertile female in the cattery (co-owned).

Former breeding females

Delta arrived from Czech Republic in 2006. She is living with me and my family. Delta left us in November 2017.

Bris are the mother of Eocen and they bouth contributed with one litter in my cattery. Eocen is still in breeding at FIN*Amantes cattery in Finland.

Delia is from Deltas fourth litter, she is sired by SC FIN*Amantes King of Taiga. She lives with Nicholas Dahl.

Ilys lives with Åse Andreassen and her family. She is daughter of Fiol and Wilbert Slavicat.

Gåte is from our 6th litter, daughter of Delia av Holskogen (N) and sired by SC Lucas Sibaris `RU DVM DSM. She is living with her host Mari Malene Skjekkeland

Fiol is from our fifth litter, daughter of Eocen av Holskogen (N) and ES-Siestadream Karithon.

ES-Siestadream Wichita arrived from Spain spring 2018, and is living with Kine Eidem.

Noma is the restult of a joint litter with a kittenbuyer. She is daughter of our Kaldera and Damman Amur Mika. She was born near Bergen with Liaila Sagstad Fosso.